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Instrumentalising (Y)our Desire (2022)

Effective Meditations Protocol®

Gaudeamus/Screen Dive


Instrumentalising Your Desire; Effective Meditations Protocol® is an audio-visual program developed via the Social Practices Association (located on the 18th Parallel of Adminicity). SPA produces ‘effective meditational’ instructional modules which can be adapted to calibrate the employee-affect-relations (EARS) of nearly every industry. Developed from Director James Hazel’s patented SURVEY-SCORE© technology, we turn to the realm of the sonic as a medium that can reveal employees’ deeper machinic-desires, both in and out of the work-play-space. This offers an innovative solution to the previous ocular-centric, market-based approaches to management and logistics.

©MMXXII James Hazel
All scores, texts, works available via request