Introductory essay to collection of essays and creative works on the subject of working-class art practice
(under)scoring the commons; troubling the acoustics of urban renewal
(2023)Proceedings of the Conference of the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology, Atlanta Centre for the Arts, FL, March 23-26, 2023.
Research paper exploring Hazel’s ongoing “(under)scoring the commons” project with respect to what the composer terms an ‘extended transcription’ process.
ADSR Zine is an online, quarterly publication that features diverse work from contributors who are, or who work with contemporary practising artists in Australia. Functioning from an 'art begets art' premise, we value the process of reflection, translation, interpretation, critical response and active engagement with Australian art and performance. Poster design by Elia Bosshard.
Political pamphlet produced by CLASS ACTIONS Collective on classed-pedagogies and participation in the arts. Designed by SEPT. Design Studio
(de)Ghosting the Archive
(2022)Carriageworks Journal
Critial response to Kaz Therese’s ‘Sleeplessness’